Too Deep for Words

Friday my Grandma made the choice that she was done fighting.

My family have all spent the last few days in her hospital room; crying, laughing, sharing, comforting. I have spent the last few days mourning someone who’s still here…but lost to me. I was able to talk to her Saturday night on the phone, to tell her I love her and I’m glad she’s no longer in pain.

Now I sit and wait for a call to tell me the waiting is over. The doctors had said it would be a couple of days…those have come and gone. She’s always defied their predictions. She’s planning on going home today or tomorrow with hospice. But all plans are ultimately in His hands.

I have so much I’ve wanted to write, so much I’m thinking and feeling, but right now it’s still too deep.

Thank you for your prayers and support during this time. They are greatly appreciated and needed.

“In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;” ~Romans 8:26

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0 Responses

  1. Hey Babe…
    We love you so and Grandma Bev! Our prayers are with you all. God is good and will honor her life during this time.

  2. I’m so sorry, Melissa. I’m praying that God will give you and your family strength to walk through this. We love you.

  3. Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. They mean so much to me. I’m holding on to the promise that God is in control.

  4. Melissa, sorry to hear the sad news. I’ll be praying for you- peace and comfort from the One who is all peace and comfort…

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