Nothing to Offer

There are moments when I am presented with situations of deep pain and turmoil in the lives of others. And in those moments I am faced with the reality that I have no clue how to help them.

Sitting across from someone, hearing their story and seeing pain in their eyes I long for some profound statement or penetrating question that will reveal all the answers; the key to wholeness. Instead the prayer, “Jesus help them, and help me not to make things worse,” is on a loop in my brain.

Maybe that’s when I’m most truly a pastor.

Because in that moment the only hope for either of us is Jesus. He is the key to wholeness.


I’m reminded of the story in Acts of the paralyzed man begging at the gate called Beautiful. After forty years of lameness he had come to terms with his condition. No longer was he looking for healing, rather he was carried there each day to beg.

As Peter and John approached the temple the man called out to them for alms. Looking at him, Peter told him he had nothing to offer but Jesus.

Sometimes what people need the most from us isn’t what they are asking for.

But Peter said, “I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene – walk!” {Acts 3:6 NASB}

  • Esse Quam Videri – “As a wife, mother, friend and Christian I’m constantly trying to appear to have it all together.”
  • I’ve Discovered I Was Wrong – “Ministry has evolved in my mind from something you do at a specific location, to a way of living life.”
  • Reluctant Missionary – “When our plans turn out different from what we’d anticipated, we can choose to reluctantly follow God’s lead or we can embrace what He’s doing and step forward in His reality.”

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0 Responses

  1. this blog is right on. i can empathize. this is in my face all the time. i have a healing ministry in brooksville, fla. and i am faced with these
    people all the time. sometimes their conditions and lives are so convoluted all i can do is pray for mercy. we have a ministry to the homeless
    and poor and these people are in dire straits to be sure. what we tell them they need isn’t money, that is just a symbol of their real need,
    which is a relationship with Jesus Christ.

  2. I have been in that place and have been the devastated person on the other end and have realized that sometimes all they need is for us to just be there and sympathize with them without offering platitudes. Good post!

    1. Moments of being on the opposite side can teach us so much about how people want to be treated during times of trial. As difficult as those times are to live through, I have learned so much from them.

      And, it’s nice to “see” you, April! I’ve missed connecting with you in the past few months. 🙂

  3. The powerful simplicity of your post demonstrates powerfully the truth you have spoken of. As counselors and pastors, the best thing we can do for people is not offer our expertise, but simply, lead them to Jesus and get out of his way so he can do what we can’t and only he can. Thanks for the reminding us of this basic truth.

  4. just today I was having this conversation with one of our pastors about not having any control and letting go and letting God. i had an amazing answer to prayer and it’s when I am following Him and not trying to wrestle for control that I feel the closest to Him.

  5. When I was in a counseling situation this was always on my mind. The problem comes when we don’t allow ourselves to offer the help that we can give out of fear that we will screw it up. I always prayed that the Holy Spirit would guide my words and trusted that He did. That trust and surrender to His using me as a vessel was the only way I could keep going in to help these people day after day. And, I had to fully believe that He would be my strength in areas of weakness, because there was a whole lotta weakness.

    Great reminder, friend. And, can I say, when I have asked you for help, you have always made it better, you wise woman you. {HUGS!}

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