Book Reading Challenge 2010

Last month Margaret Feinberg announced on her blog that she was going to challenge herself to read 75 books during 2010. She was committing herself to a year of personal learning.

When I first saw this I was interested, but didn’t feel like I needed to commit to a specific number since I read A LOT!

This week I started thinking about what I read and realized that it might be good for me to do a challenge. I am a re-reader. I have a handful of books that I read multiple times throughout the year: the Complete Works of Jane Austen, A Tale of Two Cities and David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy, The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, to name a few. I love to re-read books. Opening a familiar, well-worn copy of one of my favorite books is like a reunion with an old friend.

That being said, I have a growing list of book recommendations from blogs I follow, websites I frequent or friends and family. I buy these books, or put them on a mental list, with the greatest intention of reading them. I probably have 5 books in our bookshelf, right now, that I eagerly purchased and have since let lie there collecting dust.

So I’m accepting Margaret Fienberg’s challenge for 2010, but I’m giving myself a rule: I can’t count a book I’ve read before. Now I know myself…I’m still going to re-read my favorites this year. Plus, I have a baby coming in June that could greatly limit my ability to read for a while. So, I’m setting my number pretty low; I am committing to read 35 never-read-before books in 2010.

I’m now in the middle of Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges, so that’ll be the first book on my list. Luckily I can download books using the Kindle app on my iPhone; I have a feeling that will enable me to reach my goal of at least 3 books a month.

What do you think? Wanna join me? If so, click on the link above to sign up on Margaret Fienberg’s site and please leave me a comment so I know I’m not alone in this. When I finish a book I’ll most likely post a review about it here…that way you’ll know if you want to add it to your list for 2010. Also, book recommendations are greatly appreciated!

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0 Responses

  1. Melissa,
    You’re not alone… I mean, it’s not like I’m going to read a bunch of books with you, but I WILL totally read the reviews you post (eh, that’s support if I’ve ever seen it). I look forward to hearing your insights on some good books!
    Man! I can’t read 1 book in 3 months (OK, maybe it’s more like 3 books in 2 months is a fast pace for me). So people like you who voraciously consume literature make me stand back in awe.
    Good luck, we’re all counting on you!

    1. Don’t have any profound suggestions. I enjoyed “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years” by Donald Miller, but it wasn’t life changing or anything – just some food for thought. That’s the most recent “new” book I’ve read.

  2. Haha! Thanks Levi! Got anything good that you’ve heard about recently? I have a few already lined up, but finding 35 *new* books to read could end up being a little difficult.
    Miss you guys!!

  3. What a great idea! I have LOTS of books on my bookshelf and night stand that I’ve been meaning to read, but haven’t yet. Your post is inspirting me to consider a specific goal for 2010.

    I like the idea that you tapered Margaret’s goal from 75 to 35, adjusting the number to your own personality and life circumstances. Now you’ve got me thinking!

Your Project.