And the light was good

Today I made a candle out of a clementine.

Sitting at my kitchen table, staring at the flame burning inside a clementine rind, I began to think about emptiness.


Because this seems to be a common theme in my mind these days.

Originally that piece of fruit was appealing.




Fulfilling it’s purpose: to be eaten.

I could have taken it, like I’ve done with so many of others, peeled off and discarded the rind, and been happy. I would not have walked away feeling like I’d missed out on something.


This time I carefully removed what I’d once only viewed as trash. I turned my attentions to what was previously unimportant to me and came up with something beautiful. An experience that before revolved around taste became one of sight.

It caused me to think:

What do I view as discarded in my life that God wants to fill with light?

Am I missing out on something that would provide a new experience with Him because I’m satisfied with the norm?

How beautiful it is when we’re emptied out fully and filled again with all that is Him.

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. {Genesis 1:2-3}

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