
I always buy white grape juice or apple juice. The thought behind my purchase is that when (not if) one of my four children spills the juice on the carpet — even though we don’t allow them to take juice out of the kitchen — it will not stain because it’s a clear liquid.

Today I realized that I might be going about it all wrong.

As a sippy cup toting toddler meanders around the house leaving drips and spills, I may not be aware of them because they are clear. Unless I happen to see it occur, or step on a wet spot, that dribble of sugary beverage will remain in my carpet. Over a period of time, a dark spot will form from the dirt it collects as we walk over it. That sticky place in my living room becomes a magnet for dirt, crumbs and dust that would have otherwise been sucked up by the vacuum. 

Whether I serve a deeply red grape juice or a sparkling clear apple, I still end up on my knees working to remove the stain.

Maybe an immediately noticeable stain that is removed at once is better than one that hides below the surface and attracts the grime of life.

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