
The two-story building on the corner of our street has been empty for three years now. Except for at Halloween. Each fall, like magic, all sorts of terrifying and provocative costumes fill the once vacant storefront windows. Fake cobwebs replace real, and people flock there to find the just perfect outfit for their trick or treating.

These parasitic businesses feed off the carcass of failed investments. This year we have two stores, directly across the street from each other. As if one wasn’t bad enough, my children can now see animatronic witches and glowing skulls everywhere they look as we pass each day on our way to and from Eli’s school.

Yesterday as I was driving by, I realized what a perfect analogy these stores provide of what can occur in our lives. When we repent of our sins and look to Jesus’ sacrifice to cleanse us inside and out, we are at that moment set free from those sins. At that point the Holy Spirit enters our heart to produce fruit as we walk with Him: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.

These fruits grow in us as we spend time with God, in prayer, worship, silence and service. Our relational times with Him fill us and cause us to become more like Him. Like they say, we are like the company we keep.

However, if we shut off areas from Him, barring the door against God’s healing water of life, there comes a void. If that void is not filled by Him, it will be filled by something else. Jealousy, anger, bitterness, addiction, and more hide out in those dark corners. Ashamed to have something so ugly in our hearts, we hide it away, hoping others won’t notice because of the works we’re doing.

It may be only for a season, or it might take up permanent residence there, either way we’re left with a parasite. It eats away at us, filling a structure that is solid and sound with cheap and temporary thrills. All because we let a space stand empty.

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ–to the glory and praise of God. Philippians 1:9-11, emphasis mine

Have you locked off areas of your life from God? Is there something you’ve kept hidden because of shame of what others would think?

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0 Responses

  1. “…feed off the carcass of failed investments.” GREAT ANALOGY! Love it! HAHA! And what a wonderful way to look at the mundane/annoying/frustrating and find a deeper meaning/message.

    Thinking of you today!

  2. I really needed to hear this today! There are certainly areas that I have locked in my heart that need to be filled by Christ. Some, I open to Him then close again.

    1. I have those areas too. As if in an ironic twist on how I am with my children, God is always reminding me to open the door. I keep wanting to leave it shut up tight.

  3. You’re so right. A void will always be filled with something. Reminds me of a teaching I heard once from Matthew 16 where Jesus said He gave us the keys of the kingdom and whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven, & whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. The preacher said that it’s not enough to bind, you have to loose something in its place. That’s always stuck with me!

    A great analogy–thanks!

    1. I think I’ve heard that teaching before as well, it’s so true. I can see that working in ourselves, but also in how we treat others. By our words, actions and attitudes we can bind and loose things in other people. Makes me feel like I should be more cautious in how I treat people.

    1. You’re the best, Tonya! By the way, I called Sonya, she’ll be here on Nov. 14th! πŸ˜‰ Thanks again for taking care of me.

  4. I’ve been filled with cheap thrills, deceptive goodness and muddy filth. More than once! And I kept it hidden for a long time before God brought it to the Light. And it was there that I was healed, made whole and forgiven…again and again.

    My prayer is to be filled with HIS Spirit and walk in the light His presence.

    Thank you for your words. Keep them coming!!!! πŸ˜‰ You are gifted my friend!

Your Project.