In anticipation of our move, we shut off our cable & internet last Saturday. Things have been very quiet around my house! It also means that I have not been able to participate in all things social media as much as normal — possibly a good thing!
Now, I’m off again, because Josh & I have our licensing interviews today to become Foursquare pastors! It’s a huge milestone that we have anticipated for over a decade. Your prayers for peace are greatly appreciated — we’re both feeling a little nervous about such a big test.
Waking up to the tantalizing scent of fresh brewed coffee and fried eggs with a dash of cajun seasoning, I can already sense his presence in the house. Those mornings when Josh is home with us put a spin on our normal routine. Before I’m even out of bed, my attitude is brighter at the thought of companionship and a partner.
Looney Tunes or old-school Disney cartoons play on the TV for the kids; he’s passing on a legacy that was handed down to him. They laugh at Donald Duck dressed as a chicken, or Bugs Bunny cutting a monster’s hair. It’s a bond that they can share, as he tells them about how he watched those same cartoons as a kid with his sister and dad.
From the bedroom I hear the strumming of guitar and his voice soaring as he practices his songs, or spends time in worship. Something he doesn’t usually have the time or inclination for after a long day of work. This morning he fills our home with music, and the music ushers in the Spirit of God bringing peace like with David and Saul.
There’s something about having him home with us that makes everything seem brighter, easier and exciting. I’m so glad today that Daddy is home!
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Looney Tunes makes me smile.
Marvin the Martian is still my favorite cartoon character.
So glad you were able to come by here and write a little something even for 5 min. As usual, I love your writing!
I’m enjoying reading your blog and glad I found you through your guest blog. We live in Seattle – our son just moved to California – are you coming back home to Seattle?
We are! In two weeks we’ll be packing up our stuff in our trailers and heading north on I-5! 🙂 What prompted your son’s move to California?