
It’s my first winter in five years.

Well, not really. It’s just that when you’re living in Southern California winter seems more like an event than a season. Winter is when all the Christmas lights go up on the buildings. Carols and pop jingles are played in stores. On a side note: have you ever noticed that Christmas music is a lot like Christian music? It doesn’t matter if the lyrics are good, or the singing and instrumentals well done; as longs as it’s got the label it’s accepted.

Anyways, what was I saying? Oh yeah, winter. Winter in Southern California included scarves, but only for decoration. Now that I’m back in Washington I NEED a scarf. It’s supposed to snow this weekend. SNOW!

Winter has always signified a season of rest, hibernation and stillness. For me, this season seems to be more about growth. It’s like my body has confused Winter and Spring. I feel new ideas, new lessons and new relationships pushing out of me. Everywhere I turn I am confronted with another area of growth in my character and attitudes.

It’s been somewhat painful, but I’m used to new life being painful (I have four children, remember). The thing is that just like with delivering a new baby, you somehow forget…well, not forget, but the pain seems to dull in the presence of what you have been given.

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