Express yourself

When is it that we learn to quiet our laughter? What makes us embarrassed to allow others to see our enjoyment in life?

I have a friend, and her laugh is big! Her boisterousness is shocking to those who don’t know her; I love it. Maybe because I also like to laugh big.

And I’ve always felt shame for it.

My kids are little, they squeal in delight, jump for joy, run to friends and erupt in giggles. When will they begin to sense that they should hold back? How can I keep them from being scared of vulnerable. It hurts; but it also frees.

Lord, help me to be brave.

To show people I care, even if they don’t show it back.

To express pleasure, when others might view it as childish.

To let loose, and let go.

To laugh out loud without shame…

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0 Responses

  1. Took my kids to see “Gulliver’s Travels” the other day.

    Since my humor has never progressed beyond that of an 11 year old boy, I was laughing and laughing, especially in the “War” musical scene.

    The lady in front of me actually turned around and gave me a dirty look.

    I wonder why she came to a funny movie.

    Sounds to me, though, like yall must laugh aplenty in your house! Keep laughing!

    1. We had someone do that to us on the “It’s A Small World” ride at Disneyland. That’s such a squashing feeling to me. And, yes, we have a lot of laughter going on here…mostly because Josh is such a funny guy. πŸ™‚

  2. That’s a great question! I love to laugh and being free to let that roar is wonderful. Great stuff–thanks, Melissa.

    PS my little boy has those same pajamas. πŸ™‚

  3. So, my bff and I laugh super loud together. My hubs is always telling us we’re too loud. Even my oldest son, Lukas, tells us we’re too loud. The very first time we Skyped, a message popped up that said, “volume too high; may be affecting sound quality”, which of course only made us laugh louder and harder. I hope I get to hear you laugh in person someday! Or maybe over Skype! πŸ™‚ I’m a super giggler, too. And I’m not ashamed of it. Well, maybe sometimes I am. Like when I get the giggles when I try to lift something heavy. It’s a problem.

    1. “volume too high; may be affecting sound quality”

      That is hilarious! πŸ™‚ I have that same hope too, Keri. I’ll have to set up Skype on our computer, so we can get the same message. Ha!

  4. Melissa, you have THE BEST “big laugh”!!! I remember it well and it always made me smile..

  5. My wife has a big laugh, and it’s contagious! I love sitting near the back of a crowd and watching people turn around to figure out who the lady with the laugh is. If you’re going to laugh, why not laugh big?

  6. hi there! i haven’t visited in a while, and all because our sweet ezra finally arrived! he came into the world on december 20th, and we’ve been smitten ever since. i really like this post, because i’m a big laugher, too…and i’m also a big storyteller. see, i use my hands and expressions a lot when i tell stories, and i think it puts people off. but just like laughing big, telling stories with emphasis and excitement is one of those attributes that make me see the joy in life and my way of sharing that joy with others. this year, i want to not be afraid to continue laughing big and telling loudly! and i want this year to be one in which truly being to understand how much the Lord has saved me, how He has His Hand in everything i do and experience and say…and He loves me like no other. i had such a miraculous thing happen to me surrounding ezra’s birth and first few days, it has changed my life. this year is going to be amazing, i just know it.

    1. Congratulations, Tricia! I’ve was wondering, but with all of the events in the last few weeks I hadn’t gotten a chance to drop you an email. I’m so happy that you have your own Ezra to love and snuggle! πŸ™‚ I would love to hear about the miracles surrounding Ezra’s birth…are you going to blog about it?

  7. So one time…at a job I’m now rid of…there was this young woman who had been to an Oprah’s Favorite Things show and gotten all this cool stuff. She came in to the office and was telling us about it and I WAS JEEKING OUT. Loudly! It brought others out of their offices to see what was “wrong”. But then there was my co-worker…who SHUSHED ME! “Shhhhh!” She obviously has no sence of fun or humor. No little girl inside her just wanting to jeek out over silly things. As I said, I’m rid of that job. πŸ˜‰

    1. My goodness! I would definitely be going nuts if I knew someone who had gotten all that cool stuff! And I love that word “jeeking”…so funny! I’m stealing that one. πŸ™‚

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